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Expression Task

Berikut ini adalah beberapa ekspresi dalam bahasa inggris :Congratulation, Offer, Surprise, Invitation, Praise, Request,and Believe and Disbelieve

*      Congratulation..
*      Congratulation on..
*      I'd like to congratulate you.
*      It was to great to hear.
*      Have a nice holiday.
*      happy birthday to you.
*      Happy new year.
*      Have anice holiday.

One day when Agung go to the canteen, He meet Arian.
Arian:”Hey, Agung Congratulation on your success has win the Economic exam ! ”
Agung:”oh, thank you very much Arian, I’m really happy get 100, how about you?“
Arian:”I just get 75”
Agung:”that not bad”

*      Can I help you ?
*      would you like me to ?
*      would you mind helping?
*      What can I do for you ?
*      could you help me please?
One day while khabil at the park, there is a poor old man look sad.
Khabil:”Good afternoon, sir. you look unhappy, Can I help you?”
Old man:”Good afternoon, yes young man I feel so hungry, Already 2 days I’m not eat”
Khabil :”how poor are you. Let me help you, come with me, we will  go to eating place to eat”
Old man:”Oh, thank you very much, god bless you, young man”

*      Wow! What a surprise.
*      Really...
*      What ?
*      Are you serious! You must be joking
*      I must say it surprise for me.
*      That very surprising!
*      Fancy that.
*      That’s surprise.
*      That‘s very surprise.
*      You’re kidding.

When the learning process at the Acceleration class done, Ilyas meet Rafi.
Ilyas:”Hey Rafi, have you heard you                
     Get the rank one in the class”
Rafi:“Are you serious! You must be
     Joking me!
Ilyas:”Of course this serious because I 
     I get the information from our
*      Please come to my place….
*      I would like to invite you….
*      Do you free this….
*      Would you like to go….
*      Would you mind to come to……
One day Rio go to the Irfan Home.
Knok, knok, knok!
Irfan:”Hey Rio, What’s up?
Rio:”Hey bro, Would you mind to come to my party birthday at my place tomorrow night at 8 pm.”
Irfan:”Sure bro”

*      You look so beautiful.
*      this is look very nice.
*      Your dress is so beutful.
*      You look lovely.
*      You look more handsome.
*      You look great.
*      Nice shirt.

At the Ewi wedding party, he meet Andis.
Ewi:”Hey Andis, welcome and enjoy the party”
Andis:”Sure, congratulation for your wedding, you look more handsome my bro”
Ewi:”Oh, thank you very much”
*      Trust me!
*      Have faith in me
*      I swear.
*      Believe me.
*      How can you believe that?
*      Don't believe it, do you?
*      Don't you think it's odd that ?
*      I believe that ...
*      I believe you
*      I trust you
*      I have complete faith in you
*      Really? I find that hard to believe.
*      Are you joking?
*      I can’t see that.
*      I don’t believe it.
*      Are you serious?
*      You must be joking/kidding.
*      Oh, no! That’s not true!
*      You don’t say!
*      Seeing is believing.
*      You are kidding
*      That can’t be
*      That’s incredible
*      Nonsense
*      I don’t believe you
*      Baloney
*      You are full of it
*      I don’t trust you
*      I have no faith in you

At the graduation  party on Senior high school one sengkang, Baso meet Dewi.
Baso:”Hey, Dewi , I heard from the people, you get the perfect value at the laws class”
Dewi:”Haha, I don’t believe it.
Baso:”I swear .”
Dewi:”Oh, okay I believe you.”
Baso:” haha thank you but I just joking LOL”
*      Can I borrow your…..
*      Would you mind looking….
*      would you mind delivering
*      Can you give me….
*      Could I have a……
One day at the class when  they will to do exam. Ahmad come close Arian.
Ahmad:”Arian, can I borrow your pen ?please”
Arian:”Sorry, I just have a one pen.”
Ahmad:”Oh it’s okay, I can find it to someone else”


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